Feb 18, 2025  
2024-2025 Endicott College Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Endicott College Academic Catalog

Photography Major (Bachelor of Fine Arts)

Curriculum Requirements - Total Credits Required: 127

Second Year - Credits: 35

  • General Education Requirement  (Cr: 3) (Recommended GD 105)
  • Literary Perspectives General Education Elective    (Cr: 3)
  • Quantitative Reasoning General Education Requirement    (Cr: 3)
  • Science and Technology General Education Requirement    (Cr: 3)

Third Year - Credits: 30

  • Art Elective  (Cr: 3)
  • General Education Electives    (Cr: 3)
  • Global Issues General Education Requirement  (Cr: 3)
  • Photography Elective  (Cr: 3)
  • Values and Ethical Reasoning General Education Requirement    (Cr: 3)

Fourth Year - Credits: 30

  • Individual and Society General Education Requirement  (Cr: 3)
  • World Cultures General Education Requirement    (Cr: 3)
  • General Education Electives    (Cr: 3)

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusivity Requirements

Students take the following: 

  • DEI course attribute at any level
  • DEI course attribute 200 level and above

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the photography program, students will:

  • Demonstrate the critical inquiry and analysis skills needed to engage constructively in intellectual discourse within the art fields.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of and competency with computer technology as it is used in the artistic processes.
  • Demonstrate a strong handling of perceptual skills in drawing.
  • Experience the relationship of academic studio practices to professional applications.
  • Discuss and write about the historical context for the visual arts.
  • Communicate effectively in written form within the conventions of the discipline.
  • Convey an understanding of the visual forms and their aesthetic functions, and basic design principles. 
  • Demonstrate knowledge and skills in the use of basic and advanced tools, techniques, technologies, and processes sufficient to work from concept to finished product.
  • Incorporate functional knowledge of photographic history and theory, the relationship of photography to other visual disciplines, and its influence on culture in finished work.
  • Engage in experimental and manipulative techniques, candid and contrived imagery, documentary photography, archival processing, and interpretive studies.
  • Apply sophisticated use of color theory with an understanding of cultural context.
  • Engage verbally in intellectual discourse within the discipline.
  • Demonstrate willingness to go beyond original parameters of assignment, introducing new materials and forms, including tackling controversial topics.
  • Deconstruct concepts applying and carrying them out into a sophisticated and unique visual solution.
  • Discuss and present an awareness of the personal creative process.