Jan 17, 2025  
2024-2025 Endicott College Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Endicott College Academic Catalog

General College Policies & Procedures

Click on a link below to be taken to the policy

  • Athletic Policies
    • Academic Policy Concerning Athletes
    • Athletic and Academic Sanctions
    • Student Athletes
  • Academic Technology Policies
    • Academic Technology Computer Lab and Classroom Policies
    • Computer Labs
    • The Digital Media Center
    • Canvas and YuJa
    • Workshops and Training
  • Information Technology Policies
    • Student Virus Policy
    • Email
    • Internet Use
    • Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy
    • Technology Access Guidelines
    • Computer Use Standards of Conduct
    • Disciplinary Action

Campus Communications

Freedom of expression, the right to agree and disagree, the spirit of inquiry, and free exchange of thought are essential in an open society. As part of society, each institution of higher education must help maintain these rights for all who are a part of its concern. Endicott presumes that all students and staff members who exercise their rights in these areas will do so with full responsibility. This responsibility extends to other individuals who may either agree or disagree and extends to the institution itself, its well-being, its physical property, and its reputation. An individual student or campus group may call a meeting of students in the Student Center without need for club sponsorship as long as it is cleared by the Dean of Students and falls within normal College operational procedure and regular hours. Students may have free use of the intra-campus mailing facilities, including faculty and administrative mailboxes, with the stipulations that all mail/notices must be given to the Mail Room ready for distribution, that such requests are within the capacity of the intra-campus mail system, and that priority must be given to official College business. The use of the intra-campus mailing facilities for unauthorized solicitation is prohibited. Any student-generated mailing must be approved by the Dean of Students prior to distribution.

CORI Check and Drug/Alcohol Screening Policy Statement

Agencies may require students to have a Criminal Offender Records Information (CORI) check and/or agree to be subject to drug/alcohol screening prior to participation in an internship or educational experience via CastleBranch. An agency may refuse to accept a student as a result of a CORI check, or refusal to agree to drug/alcohol screening. The College assumes no obligation to locate an alternative site, and cannot guarantee the completion of degree requirements. Please utilize https://portal.castlebranch.com/EV72 to complete your request.

Day and Overnight Trip Policy for Students

The following terms and conditions apply to all trip participants:

  • It is the participant’s responsibility to behave in accordance with the Endicott College Student Code of Conduct as stated in the current Endicott College Student Handbook.
  • If bringing a guest, the student is responsible to ensure that the guest behaves in accordance with the Endicott College Student Code of Conduct as stated in the current Endicott College Student Handbook.
  • Endicott College assumes no responsibility for the participant’s personal property.
  • The student assumes all the risks and responsibilities surrounding their participation in the activity and waives all claims against Endicott College. A Risk and Release Form MUST be on file at the Office of Student Activities before the departure of the trip. College provided transportation MUST be taken to and from all destinations (unless otherwise noted).
  • Alcohol is not permitted on the vehicle of transportation and during the trip.
  • It is the participant’s responsibility to adhere to the departure schedule stated prior to trip commencement. Endicott College is not responsible for travelers who fail to comply with this regulation.

In addition, the following terms and conditions apply to all overnight trip participants:

The student will be assigned a room for overnight accommodations. The student is responsible for all damage to that room. In addition, the student will not change their room location. Also, if asked to leave the hotel for duration of stay, the student will be responsible for the payment and location for which they stay.

Gull Card Policy

Photo identification cards, known as Gull Cards, are issued during the first day of the fall Orientation to new students. Students are responsible for retaining their Gull Cards during enrollment at the College. Students are expected to carry their Gull Cards on their person at all times. Students must produce a valid Gull Card upon request by any campus official. The initial card is free; if it is lost, there is a replacement fee of $25.00. If the card is damaged and the cardholder has the remains, there is a replacement fee of $ 10.00. If there is a problem with the Gull Card, contact the Gull Card office.

Students should only be in possession of their own ID. Use of an ID other than their own is prohibited. Students found in possession of using an ID not their own may face disciplinary action. Improperly used IDs will be confiscated and turned in to the Gull Card office. Students may add funds to their card on the Gull Card portal and the Business Office.

Institutional Review Board

Endicott College is committed to the highest ethical, professional, and legal standards in all matters relating to human-subjects research. Endicott students and personnel engaged in research involving human subjects are required to follow the Endicott College Guide for Approval of Human-Subjects Research. Guidelines may be found in the Faculty Handbook, the college intranet, the College learning management system, and on our online IRB management system (IRBnet). Faculty or supervisors should consult the Institutional Review Board (IRB) with questions regarding exemption standards or informed consent protocols. All students and personnel involved in human subjects research are required to complete the CITI training.

Any undergraduate thesis research involving Endicott students as participants is discouraged, and must be approved in advance by the thesis course instructor, and the student’s dean before advancing to any necessary IRB review.

Any research projects (faculty, students, personnel) that involve vulnerable populations and/or will be presented or published outside the college must go through the IRB process. 

All graduate-level master’s thesis or dissertation must be approved by IRB even if the student and faculty believe that the project meets exempt standards.  This determination must be made and documented by the IRB.

Research proposed by external investigators involving the use of Endicott students must be approved by the Office of Institutional Research and the IRB.

Immunization Requirement

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts mandates that all full-time college students and all health science students show documentation that they have been immunized before attending class or residing on campus.

The mandatory Health Form details the requirements and may be found on the Health Center webpage at endicott.edu/StudentLife/Health-Center/Health-Forms.aspx

The required documentation includes:

  • MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) Vaccine: two doses required, or documentation of positive antibody titer.
  • Tetanus, Diphtheria, Acellular Pertussis (Tdap) Vaccine: one dose required within past ten years.
  • Hepatitis B Vaccine: three doses required; laboratory evidence of immunity acceptable; two doses of Heplisav-B given on or after 18 years of age acceptable.
  • Meningococcal Vaccine (administered after age 16 and within the past five years): one dose required for all residential students AND all new full-time students 21 years old or younger or sign the Information about Meningococcal Disease, Meningococcal Vaccines, Vaccination Requirements and the Waiver for Students at Colleges and Residential Schools form.
  • Varicella Vaccine: two doses required; documentation of varicella antibody titer or reliable history or disease (chicken pox) acceptable. No documentation required for those born in the U.S, before 1980, unless enrolled in a health science program, in which case it is required.

In lieu of certain immunizations, the student may present documentation of a blood test (titer) or request a religious or medical waiver. Health Science students are required to submit documentation of the tuberculin skin test prior to clinical rotations.

Jury Duty

According to the Office of the Jury Commissioner of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, “Every U.S. Citizen 17 years of age or older who is a Massachusetts resident or an inhabitant for more than 50% of the time is eligible to serve as a juror. If you are a resident of another state but a student at a Massachusetts college, you are an inhabitant for more than 50% of the year and, therefore, eligible to serve as a juror in Massachusetts.” Endicott College supports students in their fulfillment of this civic duty. Students who must miss class in order to fulfill their jury service requirement should notify each of their instructors of the summons and make arrangements to complete any missed work.


MyEndicott is Endicott’s web portal. Think of it as a gateway to many important areas, information and functions, including class registration, room draw, access to your grades and other personal information, announcements, campus event calendar, and other resources such as downloadable documents and links to other pages and sites. Each academic school has a MyEndicott page, as do other departments such as Internship and Career Services, Student Services, Financial Aid, Bursar’s office, etc. There is also an area to create online groups for campus clubs and organizations, sports teams, and academic activities.

Photography Policy

All photographs taken for Endicott College are the property of Endicott College and may be used for Endicott College promotional purposes (e.g. electronic and printed publications, websites, classroom use, college ads, etc.). The College reserves the right to take photographs of campus facilities and scenes, events, faculty, staff, and students for College use in any areas on campus where subjects do not have an expectation of privacy and provided the photographs do not violate the privacy of the subject.

Privacy Issues

Reasonable efforts will be made to guard against possible violations of an individual’s work as a result of tampering, destruction, and/or theft. All electronic communication systems along with the information developed and stored in those systems are the property of Endicott College and are to be used for work-related purposes only. Consequently, the College has the right to retrieve and review material at any time, including information protected by password in all college-owned computers.

Public Safety Department and Police

The Department of Public Safety and Police is a 24-hour-a-day operation charged with the protection of person and property within the grounds of Endicott College. The department is comprised of both sworn and non-sworn personnel, as well as civilian personnel who are led by the Chief of Police.

Annual Security Notice of Availability

The Clery Report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Endicott College; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning sexual assault, and other matters. You can obtain a copy of the report by contacting the Endicott Public Safety Office or by accessing endicott.edu/crimestats.

Rights to Artwork

The College reserves the right to withhold and use samples of student work and photographs or videotapes of students and their work for inclusion in exhibitions, publications, and accreditation presentations.

Sex Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct and Relationship Violence Policy

See Appendix D for the Endicott College Sex Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct and Relationship Violence Policy.

Smoking and Vaping

All Endicott’s buildings are designated as smoke-free environments. Front steps/entrances of academic, administrative, and residential buildings are designated as non-smoking areas. Smoking on the Endicott College campus is restricted to designated smoking areas outside all of which are 20 feet away from the buildings. Smoking is not permitted in College residential areas at any time, including living rooms and other common areas in the residence halls. Students and guests are expected to respect all rights of non-smokers. Community members who are in violation of smoking regulations and/or tampering with fire equipment are subject to disciplinary action and/or restitution for damages to or cleaning of College property. The following behaviors will automatically result in a minimum fine of $500, as well as, a two week residence hall suspension:

  • Deliberately pulling the fire pull station or setting off the fire alarm
  • Covering smoke alarms and/or tampering with fire safety equipment
  • Smoking of any kind in any College building, including the use of vaporizers, electronic cigarettes, or any other smoking paraphernalia
  • Students who fail to evacuate during a fire alarm will be subject to a conduct hearing.

If you know of any covered and/or tampered with fire equipment, or have information about a pulled alarm, please share this information with a College official immediately. If you are uncomfortable meeting with a staff member, please feel free to use the anonymous tip form.

Social Media and Online Communication

Endicott College acknowledges that students use social technology to connect, collaborate, and communicate, and aims to encourage these forms of expression as an important part of student development and as an outlet for free speech. However, in this public forum, occasions arise in which student, faculty, or staff safety or well-being can be threatened in a negative manner and/or the positive educational environment disrupted. For this reason, all student conduct policies (e.g., Drug and Alcohol Policy, Discrimination, Retaliation, Harassment) and laws apply to online social spaces. Endicott College expects students to conduct themselves online with respect, accountability, and responsibility.

Student communication on social sites (which include, but are not limited to: blogs, social networks, location-based presence applications, chat rooms, discussion boards, and public comments hosted on external sites) are not actively monitored by Endicott College, but may be reviewed by conduct officials when they are seen as possible violations of Endicott College’s Code of Conduct and will be acted on accordingly. This may include, but is not limited to: harassment, threats, hate-speech, bullying, privacy concerns, or public documentation of illegal or inappropriate activity.

Communication within online communities and social media sites represents public and open communication. As with other public arenas, information found on internet sites is acceptable as information that may be presented in conduct code hearings and other proceedings related to the College. Information that is acceptable may include, but is not limited to: wall postings, journal entries, blog posts, pictures, videos, comments, status updates, avatars, and other openly accessible communications. Messages between individuals including: instant messages/chat logs, text messages, email, Facebook messages, Snapchat screen captures or other electronic forms of private communication may also be used in the conduct code process when they are shared with officials by an involved party.

Endicott College advises students who participate in online social networks to follow established safety practices and protect private information with the utmost care. Students should set privacy features to restrict access to their profiles, passwords, and pictures, and should not accept a connection request from someone who is unfamiliar or who the student cannot identify. The College also discourages the inclusion of personally identifying information in personal profiles such as address (including campus address), class schedule, phone numbers, screen names, email addresses, and full birth date. Students are reminded that administrators, parents, law enforcement personnel, future employers and even predators may have access to view this information.

Solicitation Policy

Generally, the sale, distribution of goods and services, and the solicitation for promotion of and advertising of any item, program, or service is prohibited on the College campus. The use of College facilities for solicitation purposes is prohibited. Individuals or businesses may apply to participate in the vendor program by contacting the Office of Student Activities. Written approval must be obtained prior to participation. The College reserves the right to restrict and/or prohibit any individual, company, or group from participation in this program. Door to door solicitation within the residence halls and College facilities, and the canvassing of Endicott property by external groups/individuals is prohibited. The unauthorized posting or distribution of literature on College property is prohibited. The unauthorized use of College-owned and/or operated technology and media for solicitation purposes is prohibited. Individual Endicott community members and or recognized clubs/organizations should refer to the Campus Communications section (p.53) when considering the appropriateness of their activities. Violations of the solicitation policy may result in the Persona Non Grata Status (restricted/ prohibited from all College facilities/properties and subject to trespassing) for non-Endicott violators and disciplinary action for Endicott community members.

Student Code of Conduct

See Appendix C. 

Student Records and Privacy (FERPA)

The College has a policy of protecting the privacy of students in accordance with applicable law. Therefore, in compliance with the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), the College will not release any information to any third party except in accordance with the provisions of the act. Directory information may be disclosed without violating the FERPA.  All students receive a copy of the FERPA policy annually. The College requires that all students complete and sign an Annual Dependency Disclosure Statement. The entire document concerning student records and privacy is available either in the Registrar’s Office or on the Registrar’s Office home page at http://endicott.edu/registrar or in the Student Affairs Office.

Statement of Consequences

The College requires that faculty, staff, students, and other authorized users accessing the technology will demonstrate responsible and ethical behavior and will abide by applicable policies. Violations of the policies and guidelines set forth in this document are subject to legal and disciplinary actions, up to and including dismissal from the College. Faculty and staff who violate the policies will be referred to the Human Resources Department, and students will be referred to the Office of the Provost.

Voucher Policy

The College issues course vouchers to site supervisors for approved services provided to Endicott students during preceptorships in nursing or athletic training as well as for undergraduate student teaching and graduate level clinicals.

Course vouchers are valid for a period of two years from issuance and are redeemable for one non-credit course, one three- to four-credit undergraduate course, or one three-credit graduate course. Vouchers are redeemable only through the Van Loan School. All other fees and policies of the College remain in effect.

Veterans Benefits: Title 38 United States Code Section 3679(e) School Compliance

Endicott College does not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement funding from VA under chapter 31 or 33, Post-9/11 GI Bill®.

Note: A Covered Individual is any individual who is entitled to educational assistance under chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, or chapter 33, Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.

Athletic Policies

Academic Policy Concerning Athletes

In compliance with the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and Endicott College academic officials, in order to represent Endicott in varsity competition, each student-athlete shall remain enrolled in a minimum, full-time course of study as defined by that program (or school). Each student-athlete must demonstrate satisfactory academic progress, as specified by this Catalog, for all credits attempted at all institutions attended. Cumulative grade point averages are determined only by courses taken at Endicott College.

Athletic and Academic Sanctions

The athletic and academic departments may, at their choosing, select to impose additional behavioral, participation, or academic sanctions outside of the College student conduct process.

Student Athletes

In compliance with the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and Endicott College academic officials, in order to represent Endicott in varsity competition, each student athlete must be enrolled in a minimum, full-time, baccalaureate course of study of not less than 12 credits while in season and maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress as specified in the Endicott College Catalog.

Academic Technology

Computer Lab and Classroom Policies

The computer resources at Endicott College must be used in a manner that is consistent with the College’s educational purpose and environment. All users of computer resources are expected to act in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation while adhering to the policies set forth in this document. Those using Endicott’s computer labs and classrooms must comply with the following practices and procedures:

  • The computer labs and classrooms are reserved for the Endicott community only. College personnel reserve the right to check student’s; ID cards at any time
  • Access to systems, software and the Internet will be for academic/educational purposes only. This includes all lab and classroom technology; computers, printers, scanners, audio systems and projectors
  • Playing games or engaging in other non-academic activity while the labs are busy is not allowed. Additionally, please do not use more than one computer at a time. Academic activity takes precedence over non-academic use
  • Projectors and audio systems are not to be used for watching videos, listening to music or visiting websites for non-academic purposes
  • Reconfiguring of computer hardware is not allowed.
  • While in the labs, please observe common courtesy and do not engage in behavior, which may be disruptive or offensive to others. Headphones or earbuds should be used for listening to audio
  • Laser printers are intended for the printing of academic material only. They are not to be used for making multiple copies
  • Eating or drinking beverages of any kind in the labs is strictly prohibited
  • When class is in session, students not enrolled in that class are not permitted in the lab without the instructor's permission
  • Instructors are responsible for notifying their classes of how they will handle file management
  • Any files saved on the hard drives are automatically deleted when the computer re-boots, which happens daily
  • Academic Technology is not responsible for lost files
  • The use of personal software on lab equipment is strictly prohibited
  • Violations of computer lab guidelines and engaging in prohibited practices will lead to corrective disciplinary action which may result in restrictions of lab usage or dismissal from the College. Please report complaints, violations or any concerns to any member of the Academic Technology staff.

Information Technology Policies

Student Virus Policy

Endicott College requires that students who wish to access the College network install College provided Anti-virus software on their personal computers. This is to protect your computer as well as Endicott College computers and network systems. Since new viruses come out daily, it is important to remember that your antivirus program must be kept up-to-date to remain effective. Support will only be provided to students that have installed and maintained their Anti-virus software.


All faculty, staff, and students are provided with an Endicott web email account and instructions on how to use the email system as a means of improved communication with colleagues and for use in connection with College-related matters only.

  • Students may access their web mail from any computer with an internet connection through gmail.com
  • Because email by nature is not secure, users should be aware of the limitations on the expectation of privacy. Therefore, users are responsible for changing their email passwords periodically and removing confidential mail from their computers as soon as possible.
  • Information stored on College computer resources is the property of Endicott College, which reserves the right to retrieve and review material at any time, including information protected by password.
  • The system must not be used to send chain letters or to transmit offensive material such as messages that are derogatory, obscene, or otherwise inappropriate. Any such incidents will be forwarded to the conduct code system.
  • Endicott College email can be forwarded to your favorite personal email account (i.e. Yahoo, Hotmail). Students are responsible for maintaining their forwarding address. Instructions for forwarding email can be found at endicott.edu/infotech
  • The College uses the email system as a primary method of communication to students for important College matters, individual correspondence, and notifications. It is expected that all students regularly check their Endicott email as they will be held responsible for all communication delivered through email.

Internet Use

Endicott College provides Internet access to faculty/staff and students as an instructional enhancement and as a support to research efforts. Information taken from the internet for use in reports and research papers must be acknowledged and correctly cited in order to avoid charges of plagiarism. In addition, users should use discretion when gathering information from the internet as some material may be considered obscene and offensive to others. Public computers and printers, such as those found in the Academic Computer Labs, may not be used for accessing and reproducing offensive documents. When retrieving potentially objectionable material for legitimate academic reasons, the user is obligated to do so in a private setting so as not to disturb those who might be adversely affected. The College assumes that Internet users will act responsibly and not engage in prohibited activities that can lead to disciplinary action.

Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy

Endicott College is committed to the ideals of honesty and respect for both the real and intellectual property of others, and to the broad encouragement of academic discourse. The College provides computer resources and related technology to faculty, students, and other members of the College community to further this discourse. What is listed below constitutes the College’s minimum standards for proper technology usage on campus.

All users of College computer facilities must agree to use the facilities legally and ethically and in keeping with their intended use and educational purposes. Computing facilities are recognized as College resources. Each computer user, therefore, is expected to act responsibly so as not to violate the rights of others. Employees and students are reminded that they must abide by the following computer policies.

Endicott College reserves the right to protect the integrity and security of its computing systems, workstations, and academic lab facilities, and the right to protect the College community from claims of intellectual property infringement or other third party claims or threats. Toward these ends, the College may monitor use of College computer facilities, may restrict or foreclose access to certain internet sites or other resources, and may take other actions the College deems necessary to protect the College community or the College’s computer resources.

No person may use Endicott College’s computing resources for any illegal or unauthorized act. In particular, individuals may not use computing resources to violate any state or federal laws or any regulation of Endicott College. These actions include, but are not limited to the following:

Violating copyright laws, trademark laws, and/or software agreements. When in doubt, do not copy or download.

  • Abiding by all federal, state, and local laws.
  • Abiding by all applicable copyright laws and licenses. Endicott College has entered into legal agreements or contracts for many of our software and network resources, which require each individual using them to comply with those agreements.
  • Observing the copyright law as it applies to music, videos, games, images, texts, and other media in both personal use and in production of electronic information. The ease with which electronic materials can be copied, modified, and sent over the internet makes electronic materials extremely vulnerable to unauthorized access, and copyright infringement.
  • Creating, disseminating, or possessing legally obscene material or other illegal documents or images.
  • Disseminating materials that invade the privacy of others, such as photographs, video clips, sound recordings, or other materials that reveal private or sensitive information about another person, without that person’s consent.
  • Using, copying, or distributing copyrighted works (including but not limited to web page graphics, sound files, film clips, trademarks, software and logos) unless you have a legal right to use, copy, distribute, or otherwise exploit the copyrighted work.
  • Using College resources to harass or threaten others.
  • Tampering with computer data of another.
  • Tampering with computer equipment of the College.
  • Interfering with authorized users of the College’s computer resources

In addition to College disciplinary action, anyone violating the state and federal laws upon which many of the above policies are based, may be criminally charged with a misdemeanor or felony and may also be liable for compensatory damages and attorney’s fees in a civil lawsuit.

Computer Use Standards of Conduct

In addition to the above rules, all users of the College’s computing equipment and services are expected to observe the rights of other users and behave in an ethical manner. Examples of unacceptable behavior include:

Using the College network or other computer facilities for financial gain.

  • Damaging hardware or software belonging to the College or others.
  • Installing unlicensed software on College work stations.
  • Removing any equipment or supplies, including paper, toner or ink from College labs or offices.
  • Sending, displaying, printing, or playing obscene content or images, including those received through e-mail in a public setting.
  • Displaying, sending, or printing messages that harass an individual or group because of their sex, race, religious beliefs, national origin, physical attributes, or sexual preference.
  • Accessing the private computer files of other users.
  • Disrupting the normal flow of communication on the network, such as through “spam” email or by other means.
  • Using an account owned by another user or allowing another user to use your account.
  • Interfering in any way with another’s use of the College’s equipment or services, including any disruptive use of video or audio media in the labs.
  • Deleting software, data, or communications belonging to the College or others.
  • Posting anonymous messages.
  • Posting personal communication without the original author’s consent.
  • Vandalizing the data of another user.
  • Knowingly introducing a computer virus or other destructive program.
  • Wasting limited resources, such as unnecessary printing, making electronic mass mailings for non-collegiate business, monopolizing machines, disproportionately using CPU, memory, disk space, or network bandwidth.
  • Sending personal information, without express approval, about faculty, students, or staff to third parties, including members of chat groups

Disciplinary Action

Access to computing resources is contingent upon prudent and responsible use. Inappropriate use of computing services and facilities will not be tolerated and may result in loss of computing privileges. In addition, disciplinary and/or legal action may be pursued for violation of these codes and statutes through appropriate College procedures.