Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies
The Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies is a 42-course, 126-credit degree. It is not designed to overlap with existing degrees but rather to provide qualified students with an academic program that meets their unique needs. Offering students flexibility, independence, and academic rigor, this option provides undergraduate adult learners with the opportunity to draw on the resources of the entire curriculum, across disciplines while building an academic focus in areas they find most important.
Concentration in Montessori Education
The Montessori Education Concentration is a 6 course, 18 credit specialization that focuses on issues relevant to educators who specialize in the Montessori Method. This is an interdisciplinary specialization that focuses on providing students with an expanded knowledge of the cultural context in which Montessori Education is situated.
The Concentration in Montessori Education will be open to all students enrolled in our BA program in Liberal Studies and our BS Program in Psychology. These concentration courses will replace corresponding open elective credit requirements.