The goal of the Art Education concentration is to provide Endicott undergraduates majoring in Studio Art the opportunity to pursue teacher licensure for grades kindergarten through secondary education. The concentration consists of 7 courses plus a full-semester practicum. At the end of the program, students will be able to plan appropriate curriculum and instruction. They will draw upon the standards of the relevant curriculum frameworks to plan sequential units of study, individual lessons, and learning activities that make learning cumulative and advance students’ levels of content knowledge. In addition, they will be able to deliver effective instruction, including communicating high standards and expectations when beginning the lesson, extending and completing the lesson, and evaluating student learning. The program includes managing classroom climate, operation in order to promote appropriate standards of behavior and to create a positive learning environment. Art Education concentrators will meet professional responsibilities, including understanding his or her legal and moral responsibilities; maintaining interest in current theory, research, and developments in the academic discipline; reflecting critically upon his or her teaching experience, collaborating with colleagues to improve instruction, assessment, and student achievement; and conveying knowledge of and enthusiasm for his/her academic discipline to students.