Board of Trustees
Updates made after the catalog was printed can be found on the College website: Board of Trustees.
Cynthia Merkle ‘77, Chair
President and CEO, Union Savings Bank, Danbury, Connecticut
Melissa Hempstead ‘69, Vice Chair
Owner, Coralberry Cottage, Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina
Chad L. Crandell, Treasurer
Managing Director & CEO, CHMWarnick, LLC, Beverly, Massachusetts
Michele Labossiere P’20, Clerk
Controller, Colmar Belting Company, Woburn, Massachusetts
Samuel G. Cabot III, At Large Member
Retired President, Cabot Enterprises, Beverly, Massachusetts
Robert R. Fanning, Jr., At Large Member
Retired Managing Director, Huron Consulting Group, Boxford, Massachusetts
Ernest M. Santin, At Large Member
CEO, SyncThink Inc., Boston, Massachusetts
Douglas Seymour, At Large Member
Retired Chairman & CEO, Electric Insurance Company, Napes, Florida
Steven R. DiSalvo, Ph.D.
President, Endicott College, Beverly, Massachusetts
Thomas J. Alexander
Attorney, Alexander & Femino, Beverly, Massachusetts
Susan Dowling ‘94
Alumni Council President and Vice President, Wealth Management, UBS Financial Services, New London, Connecticut
F. Samuel Eberts III P’20
Sr. Vice President, Labcorp, Burlington, North Carolina
Peter G. Flaherty II
Co-founder of The Shawmut Group, Belmont, Massachusetts
Nancy Frates
ALS Advocate and Motivational Speaker, Beverly, Massachusetts
Patricia Heftler ‘66
St. Claire Shores, Michigan
William F. Howard
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Beverly Bank, Beverly, Massachusetts
Richard Hutchinson P’21
CEO, Discovery Senior Living, Scarborough, Maine
Virginia Warwick Judge ‘51
Retired President and CEO, Honeycomb Corporation of America, Inc., Sarasota, Florida
John MacNeil
Managing Partner, Greenfield Production Services, Bedford, New Hampshire
Marsha A. McDonough
Educational Consultant, Falmouth, Massachusetts
Ayune E. Michel ‘72
Retired Registered Nurse, West Dennis, Massachusetts
Jonathan M. Payson
Senior Advisor at CamberView, LLC, Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts
Myrt Harper Rose ‘56
Barrington, Illinois
Joanna Schulman P’17
Greenwich, Connecticut
Elizabeth Schwartz P’18
Renal Nutrition Consultant, Mount Kisco, New York
Michael Sheehan
Managing Partner, Allied Sports, Norwell Massachusetts
W. Thomas Spencer Jr.
Founding Partner, Spencer Financial, LLC, Osprey, Florida
Steven Tadler P’17
Managing Partner, Advent International Corporation, Boston, Massachusetts
Anthony J. Venuti
Management Consultant, Mashpee, Massachusetts
Sheila Walsh ‘78
Strategic Account Sales Executive, GitLab, Boston, Massachusetts
Charlene I. Wax ‘82
President, Lonsdale Realty Corporation, Ogunquit, Maine
Steven R. DiSalvo, Ph.D.
B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D., Fordham University
Dr. Beth Schwartz, Ph.D.
B.A., Colby College; M.A., Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo
Vice President of Communications and Marketing
Bryan Cain
B.S., Wayne State University; M.S., University of Detroit Mercy
Chief of Staff, President’s Office
Jillian Dubman
B.A., George Washington University; M.A., American University
Vice President of Finance
Anthony Ferullo
B.S., Boston University
Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Brandi Johnson
B.A., University of Massachusetts Amherst; M.Ed., Lesley University;
M.S., Regis College
Vice President of Admission and Financial Aid
Evan E. Lipp
B.A., Marietta College; M.A., Western Michigan University
Vice President of Institutional Advancement
David Vigneron
B.S., Salem State College; M.A., Boston College
Interim Associate Vice President, Human Resources
Katherine Whidden
Assistant Vice President and Director of Athletics
Brian Wylie, Ph.D.
B.A., Saint Anselm College; M.Ed., Endicott College; Ph.D., Lesley University
Beth Schwartz, Ph.D.
B.A., Colby College; M.A., Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo
Chair of the Family Nurse Practitioner Program
Cynthia Bashaw, D.N.P
Nursing Diploma, New England Deaconess Hospital School; B.S.N., Northeastern University; M.S.N./FNP, Regis College; D.N.P., Regis College
Assistant Dean of Adminstration
Lauren Gilligan Battcock
B.A., Endicott College; Ed.M., Boston University
Business Analyst
Kate Bedard
B.S. Saint John’s University; MBA, Endicott College
Director, Masters Nursing Program
Donna Begin, D.N.P.
Nursing Diploma, Lawrence Memorial Hospital School of Nursing; B.S.N. Northeastern University; M.S. Regis College; D.N.P.(c), Chamberlain University
Rosa Cadena
A.S., Bunker Hill Community College; B.S., University of Massachusetts Boston; M.M., Cambridge College
Assistant Director, Graduate Field Based Experiences/Assistant Director, Fellowships
Julie Kenny-Calzini
B.A., Merrimack College; M.A., Salem State College
International Academic Coordinator
Steven Carber, Ed.D.
B.A., Hendrix College; M.Ed., Schreiner University, Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University
Director, Graduate Interior Architecture Program
Myoung Joo Chun
B.A., B.F.A., Ewha Women’s University; M.F.A., New York School of Interior Design
Director, Sport Leadership Program
Anthony D’Onofrio
B.S., Salem State College; M.S., United States Sports Academy
Recruiter & Advisor for Military Students
John French
B.S. Salem State University
Associate Director, Masters Family Nurse Practitioner Program
Amy Fuller, D.N.P.
B.S., M.S., Salem State University; DNP, MGH Institute of Health Professions
Associate Dean, MBA Programs / Director, IT Programs
TJ Hanratty
B.S., Kings College; M.B.A., Wilkes University
Associate Director, Applied Behavior Analysis Program
Jennifer Hilton, Ph.D.
B.A., Southern New Hampshire University; M.Ed, Ph.D., Endicott College
Associate Director, MBA Programs
Randall M. Hopkins
B.S., Providence College; MBA, Bentley University
Assistant Director, Sport Leadership Program
Thomas Hurley
B.A. Gordon College, Ed.M Endicott College
E-Learning Developer
James Lacey, Ph.D.
B.A., Merrimack College; M.S., Lesley University, M.A., Northeastern University, Ph.D., Union Institute & University
Assistant Dean, Academic Programs
Enid E. Larsen, Ph.D.
B.A., Goddard College; M.S.W., Simmons College; M.Ed. Endicott College; Ph.D., Lesley University
Graduate Advisor/Ph.D. Faculty, Ph.D. in ABA
Justin Leaf, Ph.D.
B.A. University of Massachusetts, Amherst; M.A., Ph.D., University of Kansas
International Academic Coordinator
Joyce Luján Martínez, Ed.D.
B.A., M.A.T., The Colorado College; Ed.D, University of California, Los Angeles
Dean, Internship and Career Center
Dale McLennan
B.A., M.Ed. University of Virginia
Director, Corporate Education and Organizational Management
Sarah McMahon, Ed.D.
B.A., Ed.M., Ed.D., Boston University
Assistant Director, MBA Programs
Allison McPhedran
B.A., Gordon College; M.S., Endicott College
Dean of Nursing
Nancy Meedzan, D.N.P.
B.S.N., Boston College; M.S., Salem State University; D.N.P., Regis College
Director of Enrollment Management
Ian Menchini
B.S., Boston University; M.Ed., Suffolk University
Interim Director, Ph.D. in Nursing Program
Janet Monagle, Ph.D.
B.S., Northeastern University; M.S.N., Salem State University; Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Dean, Endicott College, International Programs
Richard A. Pacheco, Jr.
B.S., Bridgewater State College, M.A.; United States International University
Dean, School of Business
Michael Paige, Ph.D.
B.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute; M.B.A., Boston University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana
Assistant Director, Applied Behavior Analysis Programs
Allyson Penaloza
B.A., M.S., Salem State University
Dean, School of Education and Director of Endicott Scholars Program
Sara Quay, Ph.D.
B.A., Boston College; M.A., Simmons College; Ph.D., Brandeis University
E-Learning Developer
Lara Ramsay
B.A., Salem State University; M.S., Quinnipiac
Associate Dean, Interior Architecture
Kevin Michael Renz, IDEC, NCIDQ
B. Arch., Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture; M.Arch., University of Wales Cardiff; M.Arch., Master of Ecological Design, San Francisco Institute of Architecture
Director of Graduate Education, Director of Assessment in Educator Preparation
Bethany M. Rice, Ed.D.
B.A., M.Ed., St. Michael’s College; Ed.D., University of Vermont
Dean, School of Sport Science and Fitness Studies; Chair of Athletic Training
Deborah Swanton, Ed.D.
B.S., Salem State College; M.Ed., Ed.D., Boston University
Associate Dean of Education
Aubry Threlkeld, Ed.D.
B.A., Middlebury College; M.S., Mercy College; Ed.D., Harvard University
Dean, School of Visual and Performing Arts
Mark Towner
B.A, Columbia College; M.F.A., Cranbrook Academy of Art
Executive Director, Ph.D. in ABA Program/Director, ABA Studies
Mary Jane Weiss, Ph.D.
B.A., Marquette University; M.S., Ph.D., Rutgers- The State University
Dean, School of Arts and Sciences
Gene K. Wong, Ph.D.
B.S., M.S., University of Calgary; Ph.D., University of Alberta
Faculty: Ph.D. in Applied Behavior Analysis
Cynthia Anderson, Doctoral Advisor; Ph.D., West Virginia University
Peter Gerhardt, Doctoral Advisor; Ph.D., Rutgers- The State University of New Jersey
Jill Harper, Adjunct/Doctoral Advisor; B.S., University of New Hampshire; M.S., Northeastern University; Ph.D., University of Florida.
Justin B. Leaf; Adjunct; Ph.D., University of Kansas
Caio F. Miguel, Adjunct/Doctoral Advisor; B.A., Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo; M.A. and Ph.D., Western Michigan University.
Robert F. Putnam, Doctoral Advisor; Ph.D., Boston College
Alice Shillingsburg; Adjunct/Doctoral Advisor; B.S., Mississippi State University; M.S. & Ph.D., Auburn University
Noor Seyed, Doctoral Advisor; B.A., Binghamton University; M.A. & Ph.D., Columbia University
Mary Jane Weiss, Executive Director of Ph.D in ABA, Director, ABA and Autism/ABA Studies; B.A., Marquette University; M.S. & Ph.D., Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey
Vincent Winterling, Doctoral Advisor; B.A., California Lutheran University; M.A., University of California; Ph.D., University of Kentucky
Faculty: Ed.D. in Educational Leadership
Elizabeth J. Bienia, Adjunct; B.S., Springfield College; M.Ed., College of Our Lady of Elms; Ed.D., Northeastern University
Sarah J. McMahon, Director of Corporate Education and Organizational Management; B.A., Ed.M., Ed.D., Boston University
Malcolm M. Patterson, Adjunct; B.S., Ed.M., Boston University; Ed.D., University of Massachusetts
Varda Shaked, Adjunct; B.S., and B.A., Tel Aviv University; M.S., Boston University; Ph.D., Lesley University
Mary Jane Weiss, Director, Ph.D. in ABA Program/Director, ABA and Autism/ABA Studies; B.A., Marquette University; M.S. and Ph.D., Rutgers University
Nicholas D. Young, Adjunct; B.S., Austin Peay State University; M.S.S., U.S. Army War College; M.Ed., American International College; Ph.D., Union University; Ed.D., American International College
Faculty: Ph.D. in Nursing
Janet Monagle, Interim Director PhD Program; Diploma, Lawrence Memorial Hospital School of Nursing; B.S.N., Northeastern University; M.S.N., Salem State University; Ph.D. University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
Faculty: Master of Arts in Interior Architecture
Robert Anderson, Adjunct; B.F.A., Massachusetts College of Art; B.Arch., Boston Architectural College; M.A., Architectural Association, London, UK; NCIDQ Certified
Sarah Bischoff, Associate Professor; B.A., Colby College; M.A., Suffolk University/ NCIDQ Certified; LEED AP
Margaret Black, Adjunct; B.F.A, State University of New York; M.F.A., Massachusetts College of Art; Ph.D., Lesley University
Andrew Brody, Professor; B.A., Columbia University; M.Arch., University of Oregon; NCARB Certified
Sarah Campernel, Associate Professor; B.F.A., Montserrat College of Arts; B.S., M.S., Colorado State University; NCIDQ Certified
Jason Carlow, Adjunct; M. Arch., Yale University; B.A. in Visual and Environmental Studies, Harvard University,; Associate A.I.A.
Myoung Joo Chun, Director of Graduate Interior Architecture Program; B.A., B.F.A., Eha Woman’s University; M.F.A., New York School of Interior Design; NCIDQ Certified, LEED AP
Maureen Finlay, Adjunct; B.S., University of Massachusetts; M.I.D., Boston Architectural College
Michael Fior, Adjunct; B.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design; M.F.A., Endicott College; NCIDQ Certified
Regan Myrick, Adjunct; B.S., Endicott College
Rina Naik, Adjunct; B.A., Gaya College; B.S. and M.F.A., Endicott College
Kevin Michael Renz, Associate Dean of Interior Architecture; B.Arch., Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture; M.S. in Architecture, University of Wales Cardiff; M.Arch., M. Ecological Design, San Francisco Institute of Architecture, NCIDQ Certified
Wonyeop Seok, Adjunct; B. Arch., Kyung Hee University; M. Arch., Rhode Island School of Design; NCARB Certified, LEED AP
Faculty: Master of Business Administration Programs
Jude Augusta, Adjunct; B.S., Salem State College; M.B.A., Nichols College; J.D., Seton Hall Law School
Michael Baker, Adjunct; B.A., Rutgers University; M.A., American Public University
Denise A. Blanchette, Adjunct; B.S. Emmanuel College; M.B.A., Endicott College
Brandi Bonds, Adjunct; B.A., Northeastern University; B.S., Endicott College; M.B.A., Endicott College
Matt Bowen, Adjunct; B.S. Marketing, Indiana University; M.B.A., Guildford, England
Christopher Bradley, Adjunct; PharmD/MBA, Albany College of Pharmacy; M.B.A., Endicott College
Bryan Cain, Adjunct; B.A. Speech Communication, Wayne State University; M.S. Public Administration, University of Detroit Mercey
Cindy Caruso, Assistant Professor; B.S. and M.S., University of Virginia; J.D., Boston College Law School
Michael P. Castonguay, Adjunct; B.S., Merrimack College; M.B.A., Babson College; M.S., Bentley College; M.Ed., Endicott College
Martin Chatterton, Adjunct; B.S., Clarkson University; M.B.A., State University of New York
Brendan Cronin, Operations Manager/Assistant Professor, Hospitality Management; B.S., M.B.A., Endicott College
Gina Deschamps, Adjunct; B.A., Merrimack College; M.B.A., Salem State College; M.Ed., Suffolk University; M.Ed., Endicott College
Nick Elward, Adjunct; B.A. Political Science, College of the Holy Cross; M.B.A., Northeastern University
Rebecca English, Adjunct; B.S. Management, Bentley University; M.B.A., Bentley University; Leadership Program, University of Florida
Randy Esber, Adjunct; B.A., Economics; M.B.A., New Hampshire College
James C. Fitchett, Adjunct; B.A., American University; M.A., Syracuse University
Vasundhra Ganju, Adjunct; B.S., and M.A., Kurukshetra University; M.L.M., Harvard University
Amy Garniss, Adjunct; B.A., Quinnipiac University; J.D., New England School of Law
Gayle Gorman, Adjunct; B.A., School of William and Mary; M.S., University of Pennsylvania; M.B.A., The Wharton School
Bill Griffin, Adjunct; B.S.B.A., Suffolk University; M.S. Taxation, Bentley University; M.B.A. International Business, Bentley University
Nichole M. Guerrette, Adjunct; B.S., Salem State University; M.B.A., Endicott College
TJ Hanratty, Associate Dean of MBA Programs and Assistant Professor; B.S., Kings College; M.B.A., Wilkes University
Gunther Hoffman, Adjunct; M.B.A. Georgetown University
Randall Hopkins, Director of MBA Program; B.S., Providence College; M.B.A., Bentley College
Bruce Innis, Adjunct; B.S., Emmanuel College; M.B.A., Endicott College
James Jandl, Adjunct; Management; B.A., M.A., University of West Georgia
Peter Jenner, Department Chair, Hospitality; B.S., University of Massachusetts; M.Ed., Endicott College
Philip Jesionowski, Adjunct; M.B.A., Endicott College
Kristine Kelly, Associate Professor; B.A. and M.B.A., State University of New York; Ph.D., Nelson Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy
James Kennedy, Adjunct; B.A., California State University; M.B.A., Capella University; J.D., Glendale University of Law
James Kimball, Adjunct; B.S., University of Massachusetts; M.B.A., Cornell University
Chris Little, Adjunct; B.S., Rochester Institute of Technology; M.B.A., Endicott College
Lisa Lombardo, Adjunct; B.A., Western Michigan University; M.B.A., Endicott College
David MacDonald, Adjunct; B.S. Northeastern University; M.B.A., Endicott College
Michael Maginn, Adjunct; B.A., M.S., Syracuse University; Ed.D., University of Southern California
Stetson Marshall, Adjunct; B.S.B.A., Robert Morris University; M.B.A., Keller Graduate School of Management
Kenneth Martin, Adjunct; B.S., Salem State University; M.S. Accounting, University of Lowell; CPA
Sandra McCarthy, Adjunct; B.A., and M.A., Tufts University
Lawrence McMahon, Adjunct; B.S., University of Notre Dame; M.B.A., Bentley University
Carleen McNeil, Adjunct; B.S., Northeastern University; M.B.A., Endicott College
Allison McPhedran, Assistant Director, MBA Programs; B.A., Gordon College; M.S., Endicott College
John Meedzan, Adjunct; B.A., St. Anslem College; M.S., Endicott College
James Modugno, Adjunct; B.A., Salem State College; M.B.A., Endicott College
Stephen Moore, Adjunct; B.S., Eastern Nazarene College; M.B.A., Boston College
John Mullin, Adjunct; B.S., University of Massachusetts, Amherst; M.B.A., Babson College; M.Ed., Fitchburg State University
Sean O’Donoughue, Adjunct; B.A. and M.B.A., Endicott College
John O’Neil, Adjunct; B.S. and M.B.A., Boston College; M.A., Harvard University
Larry O’Toole, Adjunct; B.S., Salem State College; M.Ed., Endicott College
Henry Newman, Adjunct; A.B., Bowdoin College; M.B.A., Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Allyson Penazola, Assistant Director for the Institute for Behavioral Studies; B.S. and M.S., Salem State University
Timothy John Phelan, Adjunct; B.A., Providence College; J.D., New England School of Law
Daniel A. Pion, Adjunct; B.S., SUNY-Oneonta New York; M.B.A., Northeastern University
Gordon Plutsky, Adjunct; B.A., State University of New York at Albany; M.B.A., Northeastern University
Carmelina Procaccini, Adjunct; B.A. Psychology, University of Maine; M.Ed, Counseling & Personnel Services, University of Maine
Deirdre Sartorelli, Adjunct; B.S., Salem State University; M.B.A., Bentley University; Ph.D., California Coast University
Rebecca Charron Seaha, Adjunct; B.S., University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; M.B.A., Salem State University
Richard Sprenkle, Adjunct; B.S., M.Sys.Engrg., Cornell University; M.B.A., Endicott College
Susan Stevens, Adjunct; B.A., University of Massachusetts; M.Ed., Northeastern University; M.B.A. Bentley University
Frank Sweeney, Adjunct; B.S. Accounting, Boston College; M.S. Finance, Boston College; CPA; CIMA; CFP
Henry Theberge, Adjunct; B.S., Boston College; M.S., Northeastern University
Joseph P. Tragert, Adjunct; B.A., Boston College; M.A., Georgetown University; M.B.A., Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Bahar Uttam, Adjunct; M.S., University of Iowa
John M. Valutkevich, Adjunct; B.S., Bentley College; M.A., Framingham State University
Richard G. Weissman, Adjunct; B.A., Rutgers University; M.S., Lesley University
Marie Wilson, Internship Coordinator and Assistant Professor; B.A., University of Massachusetts, Amherst; M.Ed., Salem State University; M.B.A, Babson College
Joy Zarumba, Adjunct; B.S., Providence College; M.Ed., Suffolk University
Faculty: Master of Education Programs
Margaret Miller Alvarez, Adjunct; M.A., University of St. Andrews; M.Ed., University of Sheffield; Ed.D., University of Durham
Gayle Anderson, Adjunct; B.A., St. Olaf College; M.Ed., and Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Rebecca Anderson, Adjunct; B.A., St. Michaels College; M.Ed., and C.A.G.S., Fitchburg State College
Vagik Babakhanian, Adjunct; B.A. & M.S., California State University
Lauren Gilligan Battcock, Assistant Dean of Administration; B.A., Endicott College; Ed.M., Boston University
Seith Bedard, Adjunct; B.A., University of Massachusetts, Boston; M.Ed., Cambridge College; C.A.G.S., American International College
Elizabeth Bienia, Adjunct; B.A., Springfield College; M.Ed., College of Our Lady of Elms; Ed.D. Northeastern University
John W. Billings, Adjunct; B.A. and M.Ed., Salem State College; Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University
Dave Brady, Adjunct; B.A., Salem State University; M.Ed. and C.A.G.S., Cambridge College
Liam Gerard Browne, Adjunct; B.A. and M.A., National University of Ireland; Ph.D., Trinity College
Catherine Butler, Adjunct; B.S., Salem State University; M.A., Lesley University
Steven Carber, International Academic Coordinator; B.A., Hendrix College; M.Ed., Schreiner University; Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University
Lynne M. Celli, Dean, Graduate Professional Education Programs; B.A., Clark University; M.Ed., Ph.D., Boston College
Joseph H. Cihon, Adjunct; B.S., Fontbonne University; M.S., University of North Texas; Ph.D., Endicott College
Allison Collins, Adjunct; B.A., Smith College; Ed.M., Harvard University; Ed.D., Northeastern University
Sherril Cook, Adjunct; B.S. University of Massachusetts, M.S. Northeastern University, M.A.T. Tufts University
Michelle Costa, Adjunct; B.A., Colby College; M.Ed., Lesley University
Brian Middleton Cox, Adjunct; B.S., East Stroudsburg University; M.M., Cambridge College; M.Ed., Lesley University
David Cox, Adjunct; B.A., Arizona State University; M.S., Icahn School of Medicine, Center for Bioethics & Union Graduate College; Ph.D., University of Florida
Cheryl Davis, Adjunct; B.S., University of Connecticut; M.S., Simmons College; Ph.D., Endicott College
Marie Davis, Adjunct; B.S. and M.Ed., University of Missouri, Columbia; Ed.D., University of Southern Queensland
Catherine Davison, Adjunct; B.A., University of Massachusetts; M.A., Salem State University; C.A.G.S., American International College
Elizabeth Delpizzo-Cheng, Adjunct; B.A., State University of New York at Stony Brook, M.S. Virginia Commonwealth University, Ph.D., University of California
Valbona Demiri, Adjunct; B.A., New York University; Ph.D., Hofstra University
William Donohue, Adjunct; B.A., St. Anselm College; M.Ed., Lesley University; M.Ed., University of Massachusetts, Boston
Elyssa Dorsey, Adjunct; B.A., Assumption College; M.A., Central Connecticut State University; Psy.D. Antioch New England Graduate School
Melissa Drifke, Adjunct; B.A., Marquette University; M.S. & Ph.D., University of Wisconsin
Ashley Drinkwater, Assistant Director of Marketing and Recruitment; B.S., Bridgewater State University; M.B.A., Endicott College
Michele Femc-Bagwell, Adjunct; B.A. Albertus Magnus College; M.S. Central Connecticut State University; Ph.D. University of Connecticut
Deidre Fischer, Adjunct; B.Ed. and M.Ed., Deakin University
Geoffrey Fisher, Adjunct; B.S., Australian National University; M.S., Melbourne University; Ed.D., Bath University
Dawn Fittipaldi, Adjunct; B.S.& M.S., St. John’s University.
Dorothy Flaherty, Adjunct; B.S. Salem State University, M.P.H Boston University, Ed.D University of Massachusetts
Kristin Foley, Adjunct; B.A. and M.Ed., Antioch University
Terence Gale, Adjunct; B.S., University of London; M.A., Open University
Philip Gang, Adjunct; B.S., Georgia Tech; Ph.D., Union Institute
Roxanne Gayle, Adjunct; B.A & M.A., Western Michigan University; Ph.D., Endicott College
Michael Hanna, Adjunct; B.A., Seattle University; M.A., Boston College; M.Ed., Endicott College; Ph.D., Lesley University
Gregory Hedger, Adjunct; B.S., University of Minnesota; B.S., Augsbury College; M.Ed., University of Southern Mississippi; Ed.D., University of Minnesota
Larry Heglar, Adjunct; B.A., Oakland University in Rochester; M.A.and Ph.D., Wayne State University
Jennifer L. Hilton, Associate Director, Applied Behavior Analysis Program; B.A., Southern New Hampshire University; M.Ed., Ph.D., Endicott College
Katelyn Maire Hilton, Adjunct; B.A., Southern New Hampshire University; M.Ed., Endicott College
Elizabeth Huergo, Adjunct; B.A., Randolph Macon Woman’s College; M.Ed., University of Connecticut
Scott Huyler, Adjunct; B.A., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; M.Ed., Endicott College; J.D., University of Denver
Roumy Ivanova, Adjunct; M.A., Sofia Unversity, Bulgaria
Jennifer Jefferson, Adjunct; B.A., Hamilton College; M.A., Northeastern University; Ed.D., Endicott College
Thomas Jefferson, Adjunct; B.A., Macalester College; Ed.M., Harvard University; Ed.D., University of Hartford
Karen Jewett, Adjunct; B.A., Boston College; M.S.Ed. & Ed.S., Simmons College
Mary E. Keefe, Adjunct; B.A. & M.A., Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Julie Kenny-Calzini, Assistant Director of Graduate Field Placements and Partnerships; B.A., Merrimack College; M.A.T., Salem State University
Daniel Kerr, Adjunct; B.A., Dalhousie University; B.Ed., University of Maine at Fort Kent; M.Ed., Endicott College
SunMi Lee Kim, Adjunct; B.A., Southern Connecticut State University; M.S., Columbia University
Ksenia Sergeevna Kravtchenko, Adjunct; B.A., Northeastern University; M.A., Simmons College
Michelle Kuhns, Adjunct; B.A., Central Washington University; M.Ed., Lesley University; Graduate Certificate, John Hopkins University
Vladimir Kuskovski, Adjunct; M.Ed., St. Mary’s University; Ph.D., Capella University
Lauren L. Lanier, Adjunct; B.A., Texas A&M; M.Ed., Sam Houston State University; Ph.D., Endicott College
Dennis Larkin, Adjunct; B.S. and M.Ed., College of New Jersey; Ed.D., Washington State University
Enid Larsen, Assistant Dean of Academic Programs, Van Loan School; B.A., Goddard College; M.S.W., Simmons College School of Social Work; M.Ed., Endicott College; Ph.D., Lesley University
Lynne Leonard, Adjunct; B.S., M.Ed., C.A.G.S., Salem State University
Clare Liddon, Adjunct; B.A., University of Central Florida; M.S. & Ph.D., Florida Institute Technology
Mia Livingston, Adjunct; B.A. and M.Ed., University of Florida
Susan Willoughby Loveland, Adjunct; B.S., Keene State University; M.Ed., Wheelock College
Susan Lucia, Adjunct; B.A. University of New Hampshire, M.Ed. University of New Hampshire
Paul Magnuson, Adjunct; B.A., St. Olaf College; M.A., Monterey Institute of International Studies; Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Joyce Lujan Martinez, International Program Advisor; B.A., M.A.T., The Colorado College; Ed.D., University of California, Los Angeles
Anna McFadden, Adjunct; B.S., University of Arkansas, M.S. University of Arkansas, Ph.D., University of Missouri
Renata McFarland-Bateman, Adjunct; B.A, Bridgewater State College; M.Ed., University of Lowell; Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University
Sarah McMahon, Director of Corporate Education and Organizational Management; B.A., Ed.M., Ed.D., Boston University
Jay McTighe, Adjunct; B.A. College of William and Mary; M.Ed. University of Maryland; Post-Graduate studies, Johns Hopkins University
Doreen Metzner, Adjunct; B.S., Georgetown University; M.A., College of Europe, Belgium
Robert McGrath, Adjunct; B.A., Boston College; MBA, Boston College; Ph.D., Lesley University
Tom Milaschewski, Adjunct; B.A., Colby College; M.Ed., Boston University; M.Ed., Harvard University
Gabrielle Montevecchi, Adjunct; M.Ed. and C.A.G.S., Salem State University
Ruben Mota, Adjunct; B.A., American University; M.Ed., University of Washington; Ph.D., Capella University
Sharon Mozgai, Adjunct; B.A., New York University; Ed.M., Harvard Graduate School of Education
Jane Z. Murphy, Adjunct; B.S., and M.Ed., University of Massachusetts, Boston; C.A.G.S., Salem State University
Hayley May Neimy, Adjunct; B.A., University of British Columbia; M.S., California State University, Northridge
Leslie J. Newport, Adjunct; B.S. Franklin and Marshall College; Psy.D., Rutgers University
Timothy Nipe, Adjunct; B.A. & M.A., West Chester University; Ph.D., Endicott College
Joe Novak, Adjunct; B.A., Seton Hall University; M.A., Kean University; Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University.
Marc Ott, Adjunct; M.Ed. University of St. Gallen; Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University
K. Steven Ott, Adjunct; B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Stanford Unversity
Lorraine Otte, Associate Director, Autism and Applied Behavior Analysis Program; B.A., Montclair State University; Teacher Certification Program, William Patterson University; M.Ed & Ph.D., Endicott College
Richard A. Pacheco, Jr., Dean, Endicott College, International Programs; B.S. Bridgewater State; M.A., United States International University
Sara Pahl, Adjunct; B.A., University of Minnesota; M.S., Walden University
Malcolm L. Patterson, Adjunct; B.S., Ed.M., Boston University; M.A., University of Massachusetts Boston; Ed.D., University of Massachusetts Amherst
Susan K. Patterson, Adjunct; B.S.E., Delta State University; M.Ed., University of Tennessee; Ph.D., University of Alabama
Jef Peeraer, Adjunct; B.S., M.S., University of Leuven, Belgium; Ph.D., University of Antwerp, Belgium
Jeanne Perrin-Escobar, Adjunct; B.A., Hofstra University; M.Ed., Boston College
Natalie Odom Pough, Adjunct; B.S. and M.A.T., Clemson University; Ed.S. and Ed.D., University of Central Florida
Barrie Jo Price, Adjunct; Education; B.S.E., Ed.D., University of Arkansas
Sara Quay, Dean, School of Education & Director, Endicott Scholars Program; B.A. Boston College; M.A., Simmons; Ph.D., Brandeis University
James Riccuiti, Adjunct; B.S. Curry College; M.A., United States Naval Postsecondary School
Bethany Rice, Director of Graduate Education, Director, Assessment in Educator Preparation; B.A., M.Ed., St. Michael’s College; Ed.D.., University of Vermont
Julie Riley, Adjunct; B.A, Northeastern University, M.S. Wheelock College, Ed.D. American International College
Stacie Rissman-Joyce, Adjunct; B.A. and M.Ed., University of Utah; Ph.D., University of Minnesota
David C. Rosenberg, Adjunct; B.A., M.Ed., Endicott College
Rachel Currie Rubin, Adjunct; B.S., Ithaca College; Ed.M. and Ed.D., Harvard University
Marcia Russell, Adjunct; B.A., University of Arizona; M.A., Columbia University; M.A. and Ed.D., Harvard University
Mike Schwindenn, Adjunct; B.A., Macalester College; M.Ed., Arizona State University; Ed.D., Harvard University
Rebecca Seban, Adjunct; B.A., Greenville College; M.A., Simmons College; ABA Certificate, The Pennsylvania State University
Jeffrey Shea, Adjunct; B.A., Tulane University; M.Ed., Endicott College; Ed.D., Northeastern University
Mahmud Shihab, Adjunct; B.S. and M.A., American University of Beirut; Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University
Beverly Sortland, Adjunct; B.Mus., Trinity University, Texas; M.Mus, Western Washington University; Ed.D., Cappella University
Emily Strem, Adjunct; B.S. Cornell University, M.A. Columbia University
Dan Summers, Adjunct; B.Ed., Grande Prairie Regional College; M.A., University of Alberta
Aubry Threlkeld, Associate Dean of Education; B.A., Middlebury College; M.S., Mercy College; Ed.D., Harvard University
Joseph Tragert, Adjunct; B.A., Boston College; M.A., Georgetown University; M.B.A., The Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania
Thy Tran, Adjunct; B.S., Hue University of Education; M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University
Samantha R. Volpe, Adjunct; B.A., University of Scranton; Ms.Ed., Temple University; Ph.D., Endicott College
Mary Jane Weiss, Executive Director, Ph.D. in ABA, Director, ABA and Autism/ABA Studies; B.A., Marquette University; M.S., Ph.D., Rutgers - The State University
Mark Williams, Adjunct; B.A., College of the Holy Cross; M.S., Simmons College; Advanced Training Program in Applied Behavior Analysis, Northeastern University
Tricia Woolard, Adjunct; B.A., University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; M.S., Simmons College
Faculty: Master of Science in Homeland Security Studies
Daniel Arkins, Adjunct; B.A., Boston College; M.S., Norwich University; M.S., U.S. Army War
Kristina Arsenault, Adjunct; B.S. Mississippi State University
Greg Boucher, Adjunct; B.A., American Military University; M.S., Liberty University
John Clifton, Adjunct; B.S., U.S. Naval Academy; M.S. Endicott College
Peter Darling, Adjunct; B.A., Merrimack College; J.D., New England Law School
David DeCrescenzo, Adjunct; B.A., University of Massachusetts-Boston; M.S Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Thomas Doyle, Adjunct; B.S. University of Rhode Island; M.S. Norwich University
Daniel Florent, Adjunct; B.S., Granite State College; M.A., United States Naval Postgraduate School
Ron Ford, Adjunct; B.S., Strayer University; M.S., University of Maryland University College
Robert Hehl, Adjunct; B.A., University of Rhode Island; B.S., University of Balochistan, Pakistan; M.S., United States Naval Postgraduate School
George Hill, Adjunct; B.S., East Carolina University; M.B.A., Drexel University
Cecil Jones, Adjunct; B.S., M.S. Western New England University
Chad Kadera, Adjunct; B.S. University of Minnesota; M.S. National Intelligence University
Nicholas Macsata, Adjunct; B.S., M.S., M.B.A., University of Connecticut
James Riccuiti, Adjunct; B.S. Curry College; M.A., United States Naval Postsecondary School
Robert Statsio, Adjunct; B.S., M.S., University of Buffalo
Justin Sultzbach, Adjunct; B.A., University of Texas; M.S., St. Mary’s University
Melissa Surette, Adjunct; B.A., Framingham State University; M.S., Massachusetts Maritime Academy; Ph.D., Northeastern University
Scott White, Adjunct; B.A., University of Massachusetts; M.A., American Military University
Jeff Williams, Adjunct, B.S., Husson College; M.P.A., University of Maine-Orono
Faculty: Master of Science in Information Technology Program
Christopher Bradley, Adjunct; MBA, Endicott College; Pharm.D. Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Allan Brockenbrough, Adjunct; B.S. Carnegie Mellon University; M.S. University of California, Berkeley
William Davidge, Adjunct; B.A., Black Hills University; M.S. Northeastern University
Amy Donovan, Adjunct; B.S., George Mason University; M.S. Salve Regina University
Henry Feild, Adjunct; B.S., Loyola College; M.S., Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst
John Haley, Adjunct; B.A., Northeastern University; M.A.T., Salem State College
Stephen Kafka, Adjunct; B.S., M.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
John Malcolmson, Adjunct; B.S., Gordon College; MBA, Endicott College
John Meedzan, Adjunct; B.A. St. Anselm College; MSIT, Endicott College
Michael Ocean, Assistant Professor; B.S., Rutgers College; Ph.D., Boston University
Brian O’Toole, Adjunct, B.S., M.S., Endicott College
Richard Sprenkle, Adjunct; B.S., M.Sys.Engrg., Cornell University; M.B.A. Endicott College
Susan Stevens, Adjunct; B.A. University of Massachusetts; MBA, Bentley College; M.Ed. Northeastern University
Henry Theberge, Adjunct; B.S., Boston College; M.S., Northeastern University
Lauren Todd, Adjunct; B.S., M.S. Endicott College
John Valutkevich, Adjunct; B.S. Bentley College; M.B.A. Framingham State University
Marie Wilson, Adjunct; B.A., University of Massachusetts, Amherst; MBA, Babson College; M.Ed., Salem State College
Joy Zaremba, Adjunct; B.S., Providence College; M.Ed., Suffolk University
Faculty: Master of Science in Nursing Programs
Cynthia Bashaw, Chair of the Family Nurse Practitioner Program; Nursing Diploma, New England Deaconess Hospital School; B.S.N., Northeastern University; M.S.N./FNP, Regis College; D.N.P., Regis College
Donna Begin, Director, Graduate Nursing Program; Nursing Diploma, Lawrence Memorial Hospital School of Nursing; B.S.N. Northeastern University; M.S. Regis College; D.N.P., Chamberlain University
Amy Fuller, Director, Family Nurse Practitioner Program; B.S.N., Salem State College; M.S.N., Salem State University; WHNP-BC, MGH Institute of Health Professions; D.N.P., MGH Institute of Health Professions
Nancy Meedzan, Dean of Nursing; B.S.N., Boston College; M.S., Salem State University; D.N.P., Regis College
Sharon Milne, Associate Professor; B.A., University of Massachusetts; M.A. Anna Maria College; M.S., Salem State University; Ph.D. Endicott College
Cindy Mitsakis, Associate Professor; B.S., University of New England; M.S., Salem State University; Ph.D. Endicott College
Jessica Ochs, Associate Professor; B.A., Tufts University; M.S./FNP, University of Massachusetts Worcester; D.N.P., Northeastern University
Faculty: Master of Science in Sport Leadership
Doris Lu Anderson, Adjunct; B.A, Ming Chuan University; M.S., Louisiana Tech University; MBA, San Diego State University; Ph.D., Florida State University
Anthony D’Onofrio, Director, Sport Leadership Program; B.S., Salem State University; M.S., United States Sports Academy
William Donohue, Adjunct; B.A., Saint Anselm College; M.A., University of Massachusetts, Boston; M.Ed., Lesley University; Ed.D, Northeastern University
Dina Gentile, Professor; B.B.A., Adelphi University; M.S., Springfield College; Ed.D., Boston University
William Gillespie, Adjunct; B.A., History & Political Science, University of California, Berkeley; M.S. Sport Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; J.D., New England Law Boston
Matthew Grimaldi, Adjunct; B.S., St.John’s University; M.Ed. East Stroudsburg University; Ed.D. United States Sports Academy
Thomas Hurley, Assistant Director, Graduate Sport Leadership; B.A., Gordon College; M.Ed., Endicott College
Paul Krepelka, Adjunct; B.A., Princeton University; J.D., Suffolk University School of Law
Ernest May, Adjunct; BS Keene State College ; MED Springfield College; ABD Drexel University
Stuart McMahon, Adjunct; B.S. and M.Ed., East Stroudsbury University; Ed.D., Temple University
Michael Santos, Adjunct, B.A. Boston College, M.S. United States Sports Academy, J.D. St. John’s University School of Law
Craig Slaunwhite, Adjunct; BSc.Kin., Dalhousie University; DC., Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Deborah Swanton, Dean, Professor, School of Sport Sciences; B.S., Salem State College; M.Ed and Ed.D., Boston University
Brian A. Wylie, Assistant Vice President and Director of Athletics; B.S., St. Anselm College; M.Ed., Endicott College; Ph.D., Lesley University