Sep 11, 2024  
2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog 
2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Information

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Advising is one component of the Endicott experience that supports the student-centered approach of the College mission in which students and advisors develop a relationship that often evolves into mentorship. Endicott, as a small college, believes in the importance of offering a personal connection through which the advisors can provide valuable information about the College experience, from course selection and internship placement to career paths and co-curricular opportunities. At Endicott, each student is assigned an advisor within his or her academic school and in addition has access to the centralized supplemental Advising Services Center (ASC) located in the Diane M. Halle Library.

The student plays an important role in creating and building the advising relationship. In beginning the path towards independent decision making, students are expected to be equal partners in making their academic choices. Students are encouraged to visit their advisors frequently and to take advantage of office hours and other opportunities to meet, both formally and informally, with their academic advisors. Students are also advised to read the Endicott College Academic Catalog and to become familiar with the requirements of their majors and of the Endicott College core curriculum. Lastly, they are encouraged to talk with their advisors about the choices they are making, both in and out of the classroom. Every student can benefit from taking advantage of the small-college atmosphere that makes personal advising relationships possible.

Class Designation


The following numbers of earned credits determine the student’s class designation.



0 - 29.9



30 - 59.9



60 - 89.9



90 and up


Faculty Overview


Endicott is proud to have a faculty known for their teaching excellence, their experience in the working world, and their genuine care and concern for students’ well being and success. The College takes pride in its commitment to instruction and its attentiveness to the individual needs of students.

The small size of the Endicott College student body allows the ratio of faculty to students to be just 1:16. Instructors get to know their students well and can advise them on a frequent basis, both in regard to classwork and career goals. Each instructor has posted conference hours and most serve as academic advisors.


General Policies and Procedures


Academic Honesty

The value of an Endicott degree is directly affected by the integrity that students have in completing assignments and examinations for course requirements. Violations of these academic standards are serious and degrade the value of an Endicott College education. If a student is suspected of violating any standard of academic integrity, the faculty member will notify the following in writing that a violation took place: the Vice President and Dean of the Undergraduate College, the Chair/Dean of the school where the violations took place, and the Chair/Dean of the student’s academic program.

For a first violation, the faculty member will determine the consequence. Students may appeal faculty decisions in writing within one week to the Vice President and Dean of the Undergraduate College. Appeals will be heard by the Academic Honesty Standards Committee. The Committee’s decision will be forwarded to the Vice President and Dean of the Undergraduate College, the Chair/Dean of the school where the violation took place, and the Chair/Dean of the student’s academic program.

For subsequent violations, the faculty member will take the steps listed above with the same process occurring. If the student does not appeal the subsequent violation or the student’s appeal is unsuccessful, the Academic Honesty Standards Committee will make an additional recommendation for disciplinary action to the Vice President and Dean of the Undergraduate College. The decision of the Vice President and Dean of the Undergraduate College is final. Any disciplinary action will be shared with the student’s Academic Dean, who will notify the pertinent faculty.

A student who commits multiple academic integrity violations is subject to dismissal from the College.

Academic Policy Concerning Athletes

In compliance with the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and Endicott College academic officials, each student athlete shall be enrolled in a minimum, full-time course of study of not less than 12 credits per semester and maintain satisfactory academic progress as specified by this Catalog for all credits attempted at all institutions attended. Cumulative grade point averages are determined only by courses taken at Endicott College.

Academic Probation and Dismissal

A student not reaching the required minimum cumulative GPA (grade point average - see explanation of grade point average and Satisfactory Academic Progress) will be placed on Academic Probation. This means that his or her record will be reviewed by an Academic Review Committee, which may make recommendations that would, if followed, improve the student’s academic status. The Committee may also recommend dismissal.

Appealing Grades

It is the purview and responsibility of the faculty to assess student progress. Students who question grades must do the following: 1) make an appointment with the faculty member to discuss the dispute, 2) if not resolved, write an appeal to the Dean/Chair and arrange a meeting with the faculty member, the Dean/Chair, and the student, 3) if not resolved by steps one or two, the student may appeal in writing to the Vice President and Dean of the Undergraduate College. Appeals can only be initiated due to error or other documented extenuating circumstances.

Attendance Policy

Class attendance is considered essential to attain academic objectives at Endicott College. The College encourages all students to attend all classes. Individual faculty members may establish attendance standards in their course syllabi, which become criteria for assessment and evaluation.

The College recognizes special needs arising from the subject matter and methodology of specific courses. At the first class of each semester, each faculty member will announce to students any special attendance requirements for that course. These requirements will be placed on file with the Dean of the School of the student’s major.

Students who do not comply with published attendance regulations may be required to meet with their Dean and the appropriate instructor. A student who accumulates absences risks failure in the course. In extreme cases, a student may be dismissed from a course and, ultimately, from the College.

Chapter 151C: Section 2B: Absence of Student Due to Religious Beliefs

Any student in an educational or vocational training institution, other than a religious or denominational educational or vocational training institution, who is unable, because of his religious beliefs, to attend classes or to participate in any examination, study, or work requirement on a particular day shall be excused from any such examination or study or work requirement, and shall be provided with an opportunity to make up such examination, study, or work requirement which he may have missed because of such absence on any particular day; provided, however, that such makeup examination or work shall not create an unreasonable burden upon such school. No fees of any kind shall be charged by the institution for making available to the said student such opportunity. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student because of his availing himself of the provisions of this section.

Change in Program of Study

If students wish to change the program of study they are pursuing once they are enrolled at Endicott, they must complete a change of major or concentration form available from the Registrar’s Office or on the Registrar’s home page: Adding or changing a minor requires students to complete a separate form also available through the Registrar’s Office or home page.

Commencement Participation Policy for Undergraduate Students

All graduating students must complete a Graduation Application, which is available in the Registrar’s Office or on the Registrar’s home page: Students may participate in commencement exercises prior to completion of degree requirements if they are 15 or less credits short of their degree requirements or if upon entering their last semester they meet the minimum GPA requirement and subsequently fall below that minimum in their last semester. Students may not participate if both conditions exist at the time of commencement.

Students may only participate in one commencement exercise per degree.

CORI Check and Drug/Alcohol Screening Policy Statement

Agencies may require students to have a Criminal Offender Records Information (CORI) check and/or agree to be subject to drug/alcohol screening prior to participation in an internship or educational experience. An agency may refuse to accept a student as a result of a CORI check or refusal to agree to drug/alcohol screening, and the College assumes no obligation to locate an alternative site and cannot guarantee the completion of degree requirements. If the agency does not pay the fee for the CORI check, the College will assume this expense during the academic year described in this Catalog.

Graduation Requirements

To receive an Endicott College degree, students must have fulfilled all program requirements, have earned the credit requirement for their majors and degrees, and have earned a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) for their degrees and majors. Students should refer to the appropriate section in this Catalog for specific information on these requirements.

Additionally, the student must complete a Graduation Application form by the designated deadlines. A graduation fee is automatically charged in accordance with the student’s planned graduation session and year. This fee covers Commencement activities including but not limited to: a degree audit, preparation and cost of diploma, cap, gown and hood, yearbook and all graduation events, ceremonies, and receptions.

Human Subjects Research Policy

Endicott College is committed to the highest ethical, professional, and legal standards in all matters relating to humanistic and scientific research. Endicott students and personnel engaged in research involving human subjects are required to follow the Endicott College Guide for Approval of Human Subjects Research Projects. Guidelines may be found in the faculty handbook, the College Intranet, and at the academic department offices. Faculty or supervisors should consult the Internal Review Board (IRB) with questions regarding exemption standards or informed consent protocols. Any thesis research involving  Endicott students as subjects is discouraged and must be approved in advance by the thesis course instructor  and the student’s dean before advancing to any necessary IRB review. Research proposed by external investigators involving the use of Endicott students must be approved by the IRB. Completed documentation of approved projects will be stored at the office of the appropriate academic department. Any projects requiring approval of the IRB will also be stored by the chair of that committee.

Incomplete Grades

With the approval of the instructor, an incomplete grade may be granted upon submission of the Incomplete Grade Form to the Registrar’s Office. Incomplete grades must be made up in accordance with the timeline on the form but no later than the end of the second week of classes in the next fall or spring semester. Failure to do so will result in the grade being converted to an “F.” Extensions may be granted with the approval of the instructor and the Registrar.

Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy

Endicott College is committed to the ideals of honesty and respect for both the real and intellectual property of others, and to the broad encouragement of academic discourse. The College provides computer resources and related technology to faculty, students, and other members of the College community to further this discourse. What is listed below constitutes the College’s minimum standards for proper technology usage on campus.

All users of College computer facilities must agree to use the facilities legally and ethically and in keeping with their intended use and educational purposes. Computing facilities are recognized as College resources. Each computer user, therefore, is expected to act responsibly so as not to violate the rights of others. Employees and students are reminded that they must abide by the following computer policies.

Endicott College reserves the right to protect the integrity and security of its computing systems, workstations and academic lab facilities, and the right to protect the College community from claims of intellectual property infringement or other third party claims or threats. Toward these ends, the College may monitor use of College computer facilities, may restrict or foreclose access to certain Internet sites or other resources, and may take other actions the College deems necessary to protect the College community or the College’s computer resources.

No person may use Endicott College’s computing resources for any illegal or unauthorized act. In particular, individuals may not use computing resources to violate any state or federal laws or any regulation of Endicott College. These actions include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Violating copyright laws, trademark laws, and/or software agreements. When in doubt, do not copy or download.
  • Abide by all federal, state, and local laws.
  • Abide by all applicable copyright laws and licenses. Endicott College has entered into legal agreements or contracts for many of our software and network resources, which require each individual using them to comply with those agreements.
  • Observe the copyright law as it applies to music, videos, games, images, texts, and other media in both personal use and in production of electronic information. The ease with which electronic materials can be copied, modified, and sent over the Internet makes electronic materials extremely vulnerable to unauthorized access, and copyright infringement.
  • Creating, disseminating, or possessing legally obscene material or other illegal documents or images.
  • Disseminating materials that invade the privacy of others, such as photographs, video clips, sound recordings, or other materials that reveal private or sensitive information about another person, without that person’s consent.
  • Do not use, copy, or distribute copyrighted works (including but not limited to Web page graphics, sound files, film clips, trademarks, software and logos) unless you have a legal right to use, copy, distribute, or otherwise exploit the copyrighted work.
  • Using College resources to harass or threaten others.
  • Tampering with computer data of another.
  • Tampering with computer equipment of the College.
  • Interfering with authorized users of the College’s computer resources

In addition to College disciplinary action, anyone violating the state and federal laws upon which many of the above policies are based, may be criminally charged with a misdemeanor or felony and may also be liable for compensatory damages and attorney’s fees in a civil lawsuit.

Computer use standards of conduct

In addition to the above rules, all users of the College’s computing equipment and services are expected to observe the rights of other users and behave in an ethical manner. Examples of unacceptable behavior include:

  • Using the College network or other computer facilities for financial gain
  • Damaging hardware or software belonging to the College or others
  • Installing unlicensed software on College work stations
  • Removing any equipment or supplies, including paper, toner or ink from College labs or offices
  • Sending, displaying, printing, or playing obscene content or images, including those received through e-mail in a public setting
  • Displaying, sending or printing messages that harass an individual or group because of their sex, race, religious beliefs, national origin, physical attributes, or sexual preference
  • Accessing the private computer files of other users
  • Disrupting the normal flow of communication on the network, such as through “spam” email or by other means
  • Using an account owned by another user or allowing another user to use your account
  • Interfering in any way with another’s use of the College’s equipment or services, including any disruptive use of video or audio media in the labs
  • Deleting software, data, or communications belonging to the College or others
  • Posting anonymous messages
  • Posting personal communication without the original author’s consent
  • Vandalizing the data of another user
  • Knowingly introducing a computer virus or other destructive program
  • Wasting limited resources, such as unnecessary printing, making electronic mass mailings for non-collegiate business, monopolizing machines, disproportionately using CPU, memory, disk space, or network bandwidth
  • Sending personal information, without express approval, about faculty, students, or staff to third parties, including members of chat groups.

Disciplinary action

Access to computing resources is contingent upon prudent and responsible use. Inappropriate use of computing services and facilities will not be tolerated and may result in loss of computing privileges. In addition, disciplinary and/or legal action may be pursued for violation of these codes and statutes through appropriate College procedures.

International Baccalaureate Credit

Endicott College awards academic credit and/or advanced standing on a case-by-case basis to students who have participated in the International Baccalaureate program. Six credits (eight for science courses) will be awarded for grades of 4 or higher on each Higher Level Examination. A maximum of 32 credits may be awarded to students who have earned the IB diploma.

Leave of Absence

A student who wishes to interrupt academic studies for one or two semesters (excluding the summer sessions), for financial, or personal reasons, need not officially withdraw from the College. Instead, the student may take a one or two semester leave of absence by notifying the Vice President for Special Projects, College Ombudsperson. If the leave of absence is taken during the semester, semester grades of “W” will not affect the G.P.A.; but credits attempted may impact overall academic standing. The program and degree requirements under which that student first matriculated will not be affected. Students must receive the signatures of their respective School dean, the Vice President for Special Projects and College Ombudsperson, the Bursar, the Director of Financial Aid,  the Resident Director (if a resident student), the Athletic Director (if an athlete), the Dean of Undergraduate International Education (if an international student), Academic Technology (if participating in the laptop program), and the Registrar for official processing. To return from a leave of absence, contact the Vice President for Special Projects and College Ombudsperson. Please note that a leave of absence is treated the same as a withdrawal from a financial and financial aid perspective.

Full-time/Part-Time Status

In order to be considered a full-time student, an individual must carry a minimum course load of 12 credits in each semester. Falling below 12 credits could result in loss of residence status and/or some financial aid. Students accepted as full-time matriculants must receive permission to change their status. Forms are available from the Registrar.

Readmission/Return from Leave of Absence

A student who withdrew from Endicott College in good standing must contact his or her Dean to be reinstated to the College. A student returning from an approved leave of absence must contact the Vice President for Special Projects and College Ombudsperson.

Rights to Artwork

The College reserves the right to withhold and use samples of student work and photographs or videotapes of students and their work for inclusion in exhibitions, publications, and accreditation presentations.

Second Bachelor Degree Policy

Students who have graduated from Endicott College with a Bachelor degree and wish to return to Endicott to earn a second Bachelor degree must earn a minimum of 33 additional credits. Students must complete all requirements of the major as well as the semester long internship, Senior Thesis I and Senior Thesis II.

Student Assessment

Certain benchmarks are used to provide students and the College with assessment information concerning academic progress. This assessment provides the College with information about the student’s ability to think critically, reason analytically, solve realistic problems, and write clearly. Many academic programs require additional assessments, to demonstrate competency within a major by completing a major field of study assessment, and students should carefully review the academic requirements in their chosen major fields of study.

Transfer students, students studying at our international campuses, and undergraduate students studying in the Van Loan School of Graduate and Professional Studies should consult with their Dean for further information concerning assessment requirements.

Transfer of Credits

A maximum of 85 credits may be transferred from accredited colleges into the Bachelor programs. Grades of “C” or better will be accepted, and no more than six credits may carry a “C-” grade. A minimum of 24 of the last 30 credits toward a degree must be earned at Endicott.

Accepted transferred credits are counted as credits towards the degree but are not computed into the student’s grade point average. Semester and cumulative grade point averages reflect only courses taken at Endicott College.

For Athletic Training majors, all transfer credits in science or athletic training must carry a grade of “C+” or better. For Nursing majors, all transfer credits in science must carry a grade of “C” or better and transfer credits for nursing must carry a grade of “C+” or better.

The College will grant credit for transfer courses with a grade of “Pass” unless there is some specific indication on the transcript that the “Pass” is minimal and equivalent to a grade of “D.”

Voucher Policy

The College issues course vouchers to site supervisors for approved services provided to Endicott students during preceptorships in Nursing or Athletic Training as well as for undergraduate student teaching and graduate level clinicals.

Course vouchers are valid for a period of two years from issuance and are redeemable for one non-credit course, one three- to four-credit undergraduate course, or one three-credit graduate course. Vouchers are redeemable only through the School of Graduate and Professional Studies. All other fees and policies of the College remain in effect.

Withdrawal from a Course

If a student drops a class during the first week of classes, no notation is made on his or her permanent record. If a student withdraws from a course before midterm, a grade of “W” (withdrawn) is entered on the permanent record. The grade is not averaged in the GPA. If a student withdraws after midterm, a grade of “WX” (withdrawn failed) is entered. A “WX” is averaged into the GPA as an “F.”

Withdrawal from the College

Forms for official withdrawal from the College may be obtained from the Vice President for Special Projects, College Ombudsperson.  The Vice President for Special Projects and College Ombudsperson will assist in completing the process, including the review of alternatives available to the student. Students must receive the signatures of their respective School Dean, the Vice President for Special Projects, College Ombudsperson, the Bursar, the Director of Financial Aid, the Resident Director (if a resident student), the Dean of International Programs (if an international student), the Athletic Director (if an athlete), Academic Technology (if participating in the laptop program) and the Registrar for official processing.

Grade Point Average (GPA)


A cumulative grade point average of 1.80 is required for the Associate degree, and a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 is required to graduate with a Bachelor degree. Athletic Training, Education, and Nursing students require a 2.5 GPA to graduate with a Bachelor degree. This is calculated by giving letter grades the following numerical values:



4.0 (93-100)




2.7 (80-82)




1.3 (67-69)



3.7 (90-92)




2.3 (77-79)




1.0 (63-66)



3.3 (87-89)




2.0 (73-76)




0.7 (60-62)



3.0 (83-86)




1.7 (70-72)




0.0 (Below 60)



0.0 (Withdrawn Failed)

The grade point average is determined by multiplying the grade point value by the number of credits for a given course, adding the items and dividing by the number of credits attempted.

If a student in one semester earned three “A” credits, three “B+” credits, three “C”credits, three “C-” credits and three “D+” credits:




Grade point value




credits earned

















































































Honors and Awards


To recognize outstanding academic achievement, Endicott offers a number of awards and honors:

Academic Awards

Academic Awards recognize graduating students who have, by their engagement, contributed to their individual School in their respective majors. Recipients are selected both in terms of cumulative GPA and contribution to their discipline, as determined by a vote of the School faculty.

Alpha Phi Sigma Honor Society

This is a national honor society for students majoring or minoring in Criminal Justice who have completed at least four courses in criminal justice, rank in the top 35% of their class, maintain a 3.2 cumulative grade point average and a 3.2 grade point average in Criminal Justice courses.

Honors Program: Endicott Scholars

The Endicott Scholars program is an interdisciplinary honors curriculum that seeks to give Endicott’s most ambitious students an opportunity to study topics in depth and from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. The program gives students the opportunity to: develop the habit of intellectual curiosity; serve as models of intellectual seriousness and courage; understand the concepts of “culture” and “theory” from a variety of academic perspectives; identify ways of thinking and knowing within academic and professional disciplines; comprehend challenging readings in primary and secondary sources; write academic papers that are intellectually sound and stylistically proficient; and assume leadership roles in and out of class.

Endicott Scholars participate in small, academically challenging and engaging seminars led by Endicott’s most dynamic professors. Students accepted to the program as freshmen take HON100 Honors Seminar I in the fall and HON150 Honors Seminar II in the spring. These foundational seminars replace two courses required of all Endicott freshmen: LST100 Seminar in Academic Inquiry and ENG101 College Writing Seminar. Students who are accepted to the Endicott Scholars program as sophomores are required take a one semester foundation course, HON200 Honors Seminar III¸ in the fall of their sophomore year.

All Endicott Scholars, regardless of when they are admitted to the program, take an additional two sections of HON350 Honors Seminar during the sophomore and junior years. Seminar topics change each semester and can include: History and Culture of Food, Race in American Society and Culture, Tibet, The Culture of Heroism, Media Literacy, Exploring Swedish Media and Culture, Modern Latin American Culture, Law, Marriage and Family in the 21st Century, Suburbia, Inside your Mind, Irony, and the National Self: In Search of Identity in Russia and Eastern Europe.

Through participation in honors seminars, and attending activities and events, Endicott Scholars create a community of academic leaders on the Endicott campus.  Endicott Scholars have traveled to New York City, seen popular musicals at the Boston Opera House, eaten at local ethnic restaurants, and attended engaging guest lectures at Endicott.  A journal, Exploring Culture, publishes essays by Endicott Scholars each spring.  A senior retreat and gala celebrate students who graduate from the program.

Admission Standards

Admission to the Endicott Scholars program is highly selective and competitive. There are two opportunities to apply to the program, and application is by invitation only. Incoming freshmen are invited to apply to the program based on SAT scores, class rank, honors coursework completed in high school, and AP credit attempted or achieved. Freshmen who are placed on the Dean’s List for high academic achievement after their fall semester are also invited to apply for admittance to the program as sophomores. All Endicott Scholars must maintain a 3.5 grade point average each semester throughout their Endicott careers, with one semester of probation allowed. Scholarship support is provided to students who are accepted into the program.

Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude

Recognition is given at Commencement to each student who has earned a superior record of academic achievement at Endicott. These designations of distinction are placed on the student’s degree. Summa Cum Laude: a cumulative grade point average of 3.9 - 4.0; Magna Cum Laude: a cumulative grade point average of 3.7 - 3.89; Cum Laude: a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 - 3.69.

Dean’s List

At the close of each semester, each student who attains an average of 3.5 or above, with no grade below a “C,” no withdrawal grades, and who is enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits, is placed on the Dean’s List.

Eta Sigma Delta Honor Society

This is an international honor society for junior and senior Hospitality students who maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average and a 3.25 grade point average in Hospitality courses.

Iota Gamma Chi Honor Society

This honor society, for Liberal Studies majors, was founded in 2010 by a group of Endicott students in order to recognize the accomplishments of those majoring in Liberal Studies. Iota Gamma Chi embraces the principles of thought and inquiry that are the benchmarks of the Liberal Studies major. Members must have earned a minimum of 15 credits and maintain a GPA of 3.2 or higher.

Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society

This international honor society is for junior and senior Education students who maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average and are in the upper fifth of their class.

Lambda Pi Eta Honor Society

This is a national honor society for Communication students who maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average and a 3.25 grade point average in Communication courses.

Mortar Board Honor Society

This is an undergraduate honor society for seniors, which recognizes exemplary students across all disciplines for scholarship, leadership, and community service. Mortar Board members are selected during their junior year based on a high grade point average and the recommendations of student leaders and members of the faculty. Active during their senior year, they create a legacy through a community service project for the Endicott campus.

Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society

This is a national honor society for History students who maintain a GPA of 3.1 in history and a GPA of 3.0 or better overall. Eligible candidates must also be in the top 35% of their class.

Phi Sigma Honor Society

This national honor society is for juniors and seniors majoring in the biological sciences and nursing who are devoted to the promotion of student research and academic excellence.  Members are in the top 35% of their class, and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0.

President’s Award

The President’s Award is given to a maximum of five outstanding graduates who have achieved academic excellence and who have significantly contributed to the quality of life on campus.

Psi Chi Honor Society

This is a national honor society for psychology majors who have completed three semesters of study including nine semester hours of psychology, rank in the top 35% of their class, and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0.

Sigma Beta Delta Honor Society

This national society honors outstanding students of business. Members have completed one half of their degree programs while maintaining a cumulative grade point average in the top 20 percent of their class.

Sigma Iota Rho Honor Society

This international honor society is for junior and senior international studies majors who maintain a 3.2 cumulative grade point average and a 3.3 grade point average in their international studies courses.

Sigma Xi

This international research society supports outstanding endeavors in all areas of science and engineering. With more that 60,000 members in over 100 countries. Sigma Xi sponsors projects and collaborations around the world through grant awards, publications, and program development. Endicott is a member of the North Shore Chapter, honoring students and faculty engaged in scientific research.

Repeated Courses


Any course in which a student receives a grade of “F” or “D,” or a grade that does not satisfy the minimum requirements for his/her major, may be retaken at Endicott in an attempt to raise the cumulative grade point average (CGPA). The original course and grade remain on the transcript, but the higher grade will be used to calculate the GPA. Credit for the course will only be granted once. Subsequent attempts may only be granted at the discretion of the School Dean.

Satisfactory Academic Progress


All full time students are required to enroll in a minimum course load of 12 credits each semester. In order to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, a student must meet both the qualitative and quantitative standards listed below.

(1) Qualitative Standards


Minimum Cumulative GPA

Academic Status
First-time undergraduate students*


Good Standing
All other students, including transfers


Good Standing
*First-time undergraduate students as defined by federal guidelines are entering undergraduates who have never attended an institution of higher education. This category includes students enrolled in the fall term who attended a post-secondary institution for the first time during the prior summer term and students who entered with advanced standing (college credit earned before graduation from high school).

Qualitative Standards for First-time Undergraduate Students

The College recognizes that first-time year students may face transitional difficulties and, therefore, takes these issues into account when determining Satisfactory Academic Progress in the first year (first and second semesters) as follows:

  • A student whose cumulative grade point average is between 1.3 and 1.8 at the end of his/her first semester of study at Endicott College will fall into the category of academic deficiency and will be required to follow a prescribed academic plan for improvement.
  • A student whose cumulative grade point average falls below 1.8 at the conclusion of his/her second semester will be placed on academic probation.
  • If a student’s cumulative grade point average falls below 1.3, he/she is subject to dismissal.

Qualitative Standards for All Other Students (Including Transfers)

A student who no longer has first-time undergraduate status and whose grade point average falls below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation. Furthermore, students in this category may be dismissed from the College for any of the following reasons:

  • Being placed on academic probation for more than two consecutive semesters, or
  • Attempting 36.0 to 69.9 credits with a resulting cumulative grade point average below 1.8, or
  • Attempting 70.0 or more credits with a resulting cumulative grade point average below 2.0.

(2) Quantitative Standards (time to completion)

A full-time student is expected to complete a Bachelor degree within six academic years. The College will evaluate student progress on the basis of the successful completion of a minimum of 21 credits each year. Students who do not meet this standard may be placed on probation or dismissed from the College.

Dismissal/Appeal Policy

If there were extenuating circumstances that led to the student’s dismissal, the student may appeal the dismissal in writing to the Vice President and Dean of the Undergraduate College by the deadline stated in the dismissal letter.

When a student is dismissed, any coursework in progress including winter or summer session courses and internships will not be considered in determining the student’s academic status.

Financial Aid Policy

In order to continue to receive Federal, State or College funds, a student must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress as defined above. Any student on Academic Probation who fails to remove himself or herself from probation by the conclusion of the following semester is ineligible, under Federal law, to receive any form of financial aid. It should be noted, however, that if the student believes that the failure to remove himself or herself from probation was caused by substantial extenuating circumstances, he or she has the right to appeal to the Financial Aid Committee to extend financial aid for one additional semester.

Student Athletes

In compliance with the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and Endicott College academic officials, in order to represent Endicott in varsity competition, each student athlete must be enrolled in a minimum, full-time, baccalaureate course of study of not less than 12 credits while in season and maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress as specified in the Endicott College Catalog.

Students Records and Privacy (FERPA)


The College has a policy of protecting the privacy of students in accordance with applicable law. Therefore, in compliance with the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA/The Buckley Amendment), the College will not release any information, to any third party, except in accordance with the provisions of the Act. Directory information may be disclosed without violating the Buckley Amendment. The College assumes that all students are dependent students and may release information to parents or legal guardians unless instructed in writing by the students to restrict access to educational records. The entire document concerning student records and privacy is available either at the Registrar’s Office, (home page: ( or at the Student Affairs Office.

Students with Special Needs


Endicott College has a written statement and procedures guideline on disability standards and expectations that is available online and upon request from the Registrar, the Center for Teaching and Learning, or from Student Affairs. Students with special needs are encouraged to call the Disabilities Coordinator at (978) 232-2292, before coming to campus to arrange any applicable accommodations.

Technical Standards


Students entering the Athletic Training or Nursing Programs are required to sign a statement indicating that they have read, understand, and meet with each of the technical standards essential to their respective programs of study (with certain accommodations, if needed). Students will receive a document from the Dean of their respective programs outlining the technical standards related to their programs and will be asked to sign and return the document to the College prior to enrolling in classes. Students will not be permitted to register for classes unless the signed document is on file at the College. Students must remain in compliance with their respective programs technical standards throughout their program of study. A full description of each program’s technical standards are available online, distributed at all admission events, and can be obtained by contacting the appropriate department.

Transcript Information


The Registrar Office sends out all academic transcripts. Students wishing transcripts to be sent should fill out a form that is available in the Registrar’s Office or on the Registrar’s home page: This form must be completed each time a student wishes to send a transcript. All transcript requests must include the student’s signature. No phone requests will be accepted. The charge for transcripts is $6.00 per copy.