Bachelor of Science in Business Management
The Bachelor of Science in Business Management is a 42-course, 126-credit degree that provides students with a solid base in the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage organizational needs. Vital business topics are covered in a broad-based curriculum that includes management, marketing, law, finance, and international business. Working professionals enhance their leadership, teamwork, and communication skills throughout the program.
Concentration in Trauma Studies
The Trauma Studies Concentration is a 6 course, 18 credit concentration that focuses on issues relevant to individuals working in educational, clinic or social work settings that serve individuals who have experienced trauma. Trauma is unique in that it can be ameliorated or encouraged by social policy, and institutions, as well as individuals. This concentration will give students writing, research and foundational skills in Trauma Studies that they will need to work with veterans, domestic violence victims, refugees, and schools or other work settings that have experienced traumatic events.
This interdisciplinary concentration will focus on the student’s ability to assess risk and engage in critical thinking about trauma and its impact on individuals and society. The coursework will draw from the fields of Human Services, Psychology, Sociology, Criminal Justice and Politics.
The Concentration in Trauma Studies will be open to all students enrolled in our BA Program in Liberal Studies and our BS Programs in Psychology, Business Management and Criminal Justice. These concentration courses will replace corresponding open elective credit requirements.
Please note: Completion of the courses and program does NOT lead to any type of licensure or certification.