Feb 17, 2025
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
HMS 187 - Mozambique Service Project (Offered in Spain) This project is a joint venture between the College for International Studies (CIS) and the two NGOs Cruzada por los Niños (Madrid) and Fundación Mozambique Sur (Massaca). It is designed for students in all fields who want to explore the structure, importance and mission of NGOs on location. To provide students with an appropriate context, a five week course will introduce them to Mozambican history, politics, culture, environmental, educational and social issues. This course is complemented by a one-week internship activity in Massaca/Mozabique in which they share the unique experience of active volunteer work for the NGO Cruzada por los Niños. Supporting the Massaca orphanage program will not only help them develop important social and intercultural skills, but it will also profoundly contribute to their personal development as responsible global citizens.
(Cr: 2)