This 39-credit program prepares students to work with individuals with Autism. The courses inform students about state-of-the-art strategies to increase student success and independence. The program includes courses in Applied Behavior Analysis that fulfill the educational requirements for the internationally recognized certification offered by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB). This is a unique program that focuses on the application of behavioral principles to individuals with autism. Students will learn best practices in addressing the needs of learners with autism.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the program, students will:
• Demonstrate acquisition of the knowledge, principles, and skills of Applied Behavior Analysis
• Demonstrate application of assessment and behavior change procedures involved in educating and treating individuals with autism
• Demonstrate understanding of the learning, behavioral, communication, and social characteristics of individuals with autism as manifested by knowledge of effective individualized curricular planning, effective classroom management, and an under standing of evidence-based practice