Students majoring in Accounting complete a rigorous sequence of courses in both general business and accounting designed to provide a strong foundation in the topics specifically required to qualify a graduate to take the Massachusetts or other states’ certified public accountant (CPA) Exam. The program includes more than 30 credit hours of academic study in financial accounting, auditing, taxation, and management accounting. Additionally, courses in business communication, quantitative methods, information systems, finance, organizational behavior, business law, and professional ethics provide the business foundation for the senior thesis research project and semester internship, which focuses in depth on an area within accounting of special individual interest such as, forensic accounting, environmental accounting, entertainment accounting, or accounting information systems.Upon successful completion of the CPA exam, accounting graduates can earn their CPA credentials and become licensed public accountants. Or, after receiving their Bachelor degree, accounting graduates can go directly into private setting or government-based professional roles in management accounting, corporate control, forensic accounting, fraud examination, banking, or financial services.